Welcome to European Standard School (ESS).



ESS offers an academically demanding yet enjoyable curriculum that is critically evaluated each year and updated to the developments for the students’ future as per the internal requirements of the school.

Students studying in the junior classes (Grade III- Grade V) are taught a wide range of subjects, including English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Science, Bengali, Religious Studies and Moral Sciences, Bangladesh Studies, Physical Education, Art, Music and Computing Studies.

Along with high academic standards, the curriculum involves a lot of non-academic pursuits and is designed in such a way that each individual student can make the best of the wide range of activities available as part of the school curriculum.

Students in Grades VI and VII follow and proceed according to the Cambridge Syllabus Including the study of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, English Language, English Literature, Bengali, Art and Craft, Music, Religion, Moral Sciences, Computing studies and IT, Bangladesh Studies and German Language.

A large part of the curriculum involves project and team work, as well as further development of their co-curricular and extracurricular skills and activities.