It takes a village to raise a child. This simple statement, yet so profound in its wisdom is one of the cornerstones of ESS Mirpur’s ethos. We believe that every child is precious and that learning should be fun, innovative and purposeful.
Our school’s mission is to motivate students to attain and direct them to be self-assured, articulate and skilled citizens to enable them to thrive in a very diverse global community. Our Campus is committed to exacting high standards, to expecting excellence from all and to developing outstanding learning with staff and students. We are an aspiring and innovative institution where students’ success lies at the heart of everything we do.
We relish the chance and responsibility for driving student success forwards and that we are very proud of all our young people’s achievements, attainment and progress. Our excellent care and personalized approach to every student makes ESS Mirpur a very special place to be!
We are a strong community with a legacy of triumph over difficult situations. The current situation is especially challenging as we are letting our way through unknown grounds. We all know that there is a way through as we work together.
I would like to conclude by thanking all for your support and encouragement throughout this pandemic and particularly thank you for your flexibility in responding so graciously to the changes we have had to make to ensure compliance.
Best Wishes,
Mrs. Shaheen Tariq
Vice Principal